LEADER: FOGSTAR – white molly with lilac ears and tail-tip, and a thick pelt

DEPUTY: VIOLETSKY – sleek black jack

HEALER: ASPHODELPAW – white molly with pale classic tabby patches


WINTERSNAP – pale grey tom with spotted fur

CLOUDFALL – longhaired lilac and white tom

Apprentice: Featherpaw (black broken mackerel tabby molly)

NIGHTFACE – colourpoint black tom with a white muzzle

EAGLESHRIEK – brown tortoiseshell molly with a loud voice

Apprentice: Magpiepaw (black tom with white paws)


THUNDERSPOTS – fluffy grey molly with a spotted pelt

YARROWGLARE – longhaired fawn calico molly (Kits: Rainkit (grey broken mackerel tabby molly), Windkit (dilute calico tabby jack), Lightningkit (cream broken mackerel tabby tom))


PALEMOON – very old pure white molly